Thursday, May 19, 2016


An honored journalist for forty-six years, then passing away one week after retiring

What was it like? Putting things in their proper order and rolling towards the lamp to put out the light?

Morley Safer made it seem so predetermined, so inevitably controllable that eternal peace must be his forever now.

What a wonderful life and career he carved for himself! His obsession with Earnest Hemingway cannot now be casually dismissed. Did his health decline so rapidly in those last weeks or was that a cover experience? What did he know that he so ingeniously choreographed?  It seems too neat for real life.

I salute him  as  one who lived and went out with style, having lived the fullest life possible. I have a feeling, however, that relevant circumstances will ultimately reveal themselves and light will be shed, not to disparage but rather to trumpet the way he chose to close the door.

His kind of class is not so easy to extinguish.

But, oh, to have been a fly on that wall.


  1. Could you be the Gerald Alch that was a counselor at Camp Chippewa?

    I read with great interest your blog and Bio( truly one of an accomplished person I thought). But I then began to think I may have the wrong Gerald Alch as the bio made no mention of what would be a true highlight in anyone's career and certainly worthy of mention, surely not left I had to be mistaken.

    Then, reading on and finding the repeated laudatory comments on Frank Sinatra....required listening for anyone within hearing of that Gerald Alch's Bunk.....well....I just have to write and inquire......could it be?.....I had occasion last week to tell a Gerald Alch story to illustrate a point. ,I mean a Gerald Alch story about THE Gerald Alch I knew......


  2. Could you be the Gerald Alch that was a counselor at Camp Chippewa?

    I read with great interest your blog and Bio( truly one of an accomplished person I thought). But I then began to think I may have the wrong Gerald Alch as the bio made no mention of what would be a true highlight in anyone's career and certainly worthy of mention, surely not left I had to be mistaken.

    Then, reading on and finding the repeated laudatory comments on Frank Sinatra....required listening for anyone within hearing of that Gerald Alch's Bunk.....well....I just have to write and inquire......could it be?.....I had occasion last week to tell a Gerald Alch story to illustrate a point. ,I mean a Gerald Alch story about THE Gerald Alch I knew......

